Note: Below are paid coaching options, but Marnie also schedules a few free 1x1 Prayer Coaching Sessions most weekdays she's in town. Login (top right) to check the dashboard for today's scheduled openings. 

Grab a QUICK ACTION coaching call. Sold in 15-minute increments. Purchase as many as you need. ($50/15 minutes)

Per-Minute Coaching - Paid

If you are ready to make serious progress toward your God-given goal(s), but could use some coaching, mentoring and/or prayer support, grab the Power-Up Coaching Package. 

Power-Up Package - Paid
The funds you invest here help toward Marnie's Missions Mentorship Programs.
These investments can be taken as tax-deductible expenses.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, do that HERE. 
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