Marnie Frame

Are you crystal clear about your life vision and mission?
What are you trying to accomplish just now?
Where are you stuck? What's just out of reach?
Minutes with Marnie can help!

Marnie Coaching
​​It only takes one "aha" perspective-shift to get you moving forward with faith, confidence, and clarity. Marnie offers 5-60 minute, one-time, on-on-one coaching calls to help you get past your current hurdle and back on track toward your goals.
Marnie Swedberg taps into her personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as her broad and fascinating "HIS-story," to help women worldwide achieve their God-given goals. She consistently shares practical, doable success strategies to shorten your learning curve, increase your productivity, and skyrocket your delight in life.


"She brings more than you ever envisioned, giving you a level of excellence that goes way beyond your original expectations. She only delivers quality. There’s no one else out there like her."                              Barbara Jauquet-Kalinoski, Director, NW Regional Libraries

"So many aha moments! I've hosted many speakers, and Marnie is by far one of the best."
                                                                                                                    Lynda Matson, Coordinator of Business, Community & College Events

​"What a wonderful weekend with Marnie! Many women commented that she was the best speaker we'd ever had, and this retreat has been going for 52 years."                                                                                             Janet Peterson, Regional Women's Retreat Director

"I conducted the interview with Marnie - what a GREAT guest she was! We had a fantastic time together. She is an amazing business woman and an excellent podcast guest!”                                                                             Christian Costa, Sales and Marketing Nation
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​Most days Marnie posts an original, sharable "quote art" for you and your tribe. Connect via your favorite social media site, enjoy, and share!​
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